Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Promises, Commitment, Ritual

           It’s the 30th of December. Bellies full, pockets empty and pants are tight. We all know what’s coming next. That famous tongue! Spreading rumors and empty promises of what we will do and what we refuse to do for 2014. What is the honest purpose of the “New Year’s Resolution” anyways? We all go through the same thought process and admittance of the shame we brought upon our weight, wallets and decisions, whether good or bad. It’s the day that we’ll create that “LIST”!  No “Santa” here, just the all mighty proverbial “my New Year’s resolution is…” So now that we have the topic clear, what is it and why?
            For years, I always stated that my resolution was going to be kept. It always started with my weight-loss goal, and then followed by a bunch of other promises to myself. I would sit back and analyze as the year went on, rather than execute. Due to analyzing the situation over and over again I’ve come to realize that we do live in a nation where we all want to do well and want to feel good of our accomplishments. So hit the reset button set the bar and once that illuminating ball and countdown begins we are ready like a pack of greyhounds chasing after a stuffed bunny. “Ten, nine, eight” the tension builds. “Seven, six, five” we start to think of the list. ”Four, three, two” Here we go, off to the races “1!”
            As we drink our wine and eat our grapes, saying goodbye to the past, we remember that last year was the same. Full of tears and happiness at the same time, we are mixed with focus, regret, and a plethora of emotions. This is it! We will change we will be strong and not derail nor fall off. I’ve come to realize that we fall off because of “Excuses”. The funny thing about that is, sometimes we honestly can’t avoid certain occurrence’s that get us off track. Situations that just come up such as, hospital trips, unfortunate break-ups, losing loved ones, bad money management etc… I can go on, however this this isn’t about the negative but rather the positive of our resolutions.
            Ok so this year I have decided and will stick to it regardless of the trials and tribulations or the crosses this cat’s path “I WILL COMPLETE AND ACHIEVE EVERYTHING ON MY NEW YEARS RESOLUTION LIST!” Call it a declaration to myself and anyone reading this. So what do I want to accomplish? Well it’s simple if you know what everyone in the history of the “Resolution” wants.

1.      Lose weight and tone up (I lost over 120lbs so far however need to finish, more for health less for looks)
2.      Pay half of my student loans
3.      Get more involved with my church
4.      Give more; Charity, philanthropy, I just want to help
5.      Build a stronger relationship with my mother
6.      Fix my license and  purchase my car (route 66 here we go)
7.      No more swearing
8.      Start saving money
9.      Fix My Credit
10.  Stick to My New Year’s Resolution

So this is my list and I am sticking to it. I truly understand that it’s more than most likely that I will not stay 100% faithful to about 70% of this list, however what is undoubtedly certain is that my focus will be on the weight loss and spiritual goals. I personally think we torture ourselves because it has become the norm, it’s a routine. The masses are simply stuck on loop with no true purpose! So I’m here to purposely break that pattern for myself and take bold decision and run with them in order to accomplish not just to procrastinate. Purpose! That’s what we need we all need purpose, a plan, execution and commitment of the plan. I feel that even if one of the ten on the above list actually gets accomplished that I can someday be famous, run for president or rule the world! Ok maybe not to that extent but I will feel a sense of accomplishment and gratitude. I believe everyone deserves the right to be proud of their selves. Worst case scenario, I fail and I try again like the famous quote from “Colonel George A. Custer”; “It’s not how many times you get knocked down, it’s how many times you get back up” And with quote being said I leave you all to continue your lives and goals with that amazing list we all call “Our New Years Resolution”.